Saturday, 15 December 2012

English Questions and Christmas Songs

I'm not really sure how it happened, but yesterday I ended up spending my afternoon teaching a couple English classes again with the mother of the house.  I don't know if it was just because these were older kids or if it was because this school specializes more in English, but these kids did actually speak a decent amount of English.  They had great fun asking me a number of questions about myself, ranging from "What's your animal" to "How many sons and daughters do you have?"

One boy asked what my brother's name was when I hadn't said that I had a brother, and when I told him, it turned out that he had the same name.  Very strange.  And a couple of the girls were thrilled when they saw the Hunger Games pin on my jacket, babbling excitedly in Spanish before reigning it back in and switching to English.  So it is popular in Spain as well, though the mother had to ask me what it was all about after school.

I was introduced to pretty much everyone we met in the hall as I tried to get my Spanish presentations in order ("Encantado de conocerte") though I'm still puzzled as to what form I'm supposed to be using with people.  The tu form is more informal, and what everyone seems to be using, but I'm never sure if I'm supposed to be a bit more formal because I don't know everyone.  But then they use the tu form with me, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm seen as inferior to them and I should still use the more formal form with them, or if they're being friendly and informal.  Ack!  But everyone was really nice, and we actually went out for a beer with the school President before having lunch and going to teach classes.  Which was really strange, but apparently a pretty normal thing to do there.

The best part of each class was definitely the end, when they sang me the Christmas song they're preparing for the pagent.  I had recommended "Up on the Housetop" to the mother and she loved it.  Especially with all the motions.  And the kids love it too.  They were adorable, all singing happily in their school uniforms.  I wish I had video!

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