Thursday, 6 September 2012


The team had been batting for three days to reach 470 for 2. The fielders and the crowd were rapidly losing interest when a voice called from the boundary,  'Oh for Gawd's sake come out, even if it's only on strike!'

Don't get it?  I think I kinda do.  It's a cricket joke, and for us Americans, only the crickets are chirping.  (Haha, see what I did there?  I bet you wish you hadn't gotten that one!)

But, I've now been to a cricket match (okay, half of a cricket match) and I understand what they're all about.  Mostly.  They last for hours or days, depending, and scores can go up to over 400 runs scored even in the professional leagues.  And, for the people who watch baseball and say it's boring, I can now say, "Well, that's only because you haven't seen a cricket match."

I'm not totally hating on cricket, mind.  It was very calming to watch, quite relaxing.  But that might be part of the problem.  There's no excitement to the game, except perhaps toward the end.  When one team is getting points in the first innings (it's always plural, for some reason), they don't even know if they're close to what the other team will score later on.  And even when they hit the ball, they can choose to run to try to score or not.

Watching the guys bowl was cool though.  They kind of act like crazy windmills when they throw.

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