Sunday, 9 September 2012

On Buttered Popcorn

Movies are strange in the UK.  First of all, we had assigned seating.  I'm not sure if this is to prevent moving jumping or simply to make things more complicated for patrons, but how weird is that?  They also have the first three rows of seats cost more, so you can pay for 'premier' viewing.

Also, you can never be late to a movie in the UK.  Seriously.  We sat through a half an hour of beer commercials and movie trailers for movies that I've already seen because they're out in the US.  Half an hour!  That's a third of some movies.

And then there was the popcorn.  Now, I love me my movie butter popcorn.  Hydrogenated soybean oil or whatever it actually is.  Horrible for you, I'm sure, but that's why it's a special treat to get when you go to the movies.  Not so in the UK.  There was no buttered popcorn to be found.

Instead, they have salty and sweet.  Salty is just what you might think, but I had to ask what sweet was.  Surprisingly enough, it was also just what you might think -- sugar added to the popcorn.  I'm normally pretty big on sweets, but this was just too much for me.  Maybe it's an acquired taste, one that I'll probably be better off not acquiring.

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